Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Lauren is part of the A.B.C...L. Obviously she is the L. It's funny because she is the one who came up with this whole A.B.C...L thing. She wishes that her name started with a D. I don't care if she thinks that she looks bad in this picture because she doesn't. YOU NEVER LOOK BAD! She is the one person I know who cares this much on how she looks. We were modeling in this picture. Out of all of us(Me, Ashley, and Christy) she spends the most time in the hospital. I feel so bad! I've known her since I was 1 years old. She is a year older then me, but that doesn't matter! I remember that we took piano together from Sister Lowe. She started taking from her like a couple months after I was taking from her. I already knew how to play, but it was her first time and I remember that I haven't ever really talked to her until we did piano together. We became good friends since that.


Lauren Michelle said...

Hahaha! That's me! :] I'll start writing about you AGAIN! I better not erase it! :'( Why aren't you at my house yet?

Ciara said...

ya right she thinks that she looks bad she looks good in EVERY picture!!!!!!!! sooooooooo not fair!

Mindy said...

hey, that's the home made wedding dress I wore for Halloween when I was like 8 years old. Mom had to clean her friends house to earn the dress I think since her friend was making it. you can ask mom since I don't really remember cuz I was only 8 like I said. cute picture though!

ashley! said...

hahaha!I wish we had some clever story behind how we became friends in our own paths like you, christy and lowin do... but it wasn't us that shaped our friendship.... uhhhh. oh well u still crack me up and that is all that matters! :)

Christiana_Michelle said...

I LOVE that picture of Lauren. It's sooo cute!