Monday, July 14, 2008

Tag by whoever

20 years ago
1. I was not born
2. my brothers were probably fighting
3. it was summer break

10 years ago:
1. I was living in my house that we have right now
2. I was probably being held
3. Or I was sleeping

5 years ago:
1. I loved gymnastics
2. I was in CTR 8
3. My best friend (I don't know why) was Chanler

3 years ago:
1. I was in 4th grade
2. I started volleyball
3. I loved the show Deal or no Deal ( i dont know why with that either)

1 year ago:
1. I couldn't wait to get out of Primary
2. I wanted someone to live at home
3. I was nervous for 6th grade

So far this year:
1. I went to camp for the 2nd year
2. I completed 6th grade
3. I got my over hand serve accomplished

1. I went to church
2. Adam and Anya came over
3. I ate a BLT

1. the St.Claires came over
2. Scottee and the kids came over
3. I watched Spongebob (again)

1. I will hang out with Ashley, Lauren, and Christy
2. I will mabey babysit
3. I will hopefully earn money

Next year:
1. I will be in 7th OR 8th grade
2. I will be 13 going on 14
3. I will be on a volleyball team


Mindy said...

you can say I tagged you because I had your name down and then realized you weren't born 20 years ago so I erased it but I'm glad you did it! I used to like deal or no deal too.

Ciara said...

thats you!!!!!! hahaha

Allison Barry said...

that is awesome that you get to choose whether to do 7th or 8th grade. you are way too smart for 7th grade! which decision are you leaning toward?

ashley! said...

wow u have a good memory, i dont think i could remember that kinda stuff!