Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fun Game

1. as a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and i had together. it doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. it's actually pretty funny to see the responses...


Ciara said...

om here it goes.... ok so we had just had a sleep over and we watched 13 going on 30 like 2 times the night befor then in the morning we watched like 3 times and i remember we just kept rewinding and playing back our favorite parts over and over and over again and we would laugh EVERY time hahahahahahah oh yes and just thinking about it makes me crack up!!!! we have lots of other good ones too!!!

Ciara said...

hey and were did you get thius background that too makes we crack up!!

hilary said...

cute brooklyn, i miss you! hope you had fun at volleyball camp, too bad i didn't run into you while you were up here in utah! thanks for the memory comment:)

hmmm... i have alot of memories with you in such a short period of time, too! but some of my favorites are from beehive camp: quoting movie lines with you on our camp hike, finding out that you like 'the format' too, and watching you trying to figure out how to sit on the zip line! i also just have to say i love your personality and sense of humor. you can always crack me up! can't wait to see you NEXT sunday:)

Lauren Michelle said...

It's the big one!!!!! Hahaha! Good times!

Lauren Michelle said...

Wait I have another one! We were on our way home from Girls Camp this year and I started hurting cuz of my kidney stone and to kinda keep my mind off of what was going on I was basically whispering to myself. I was saying GO GO GO GO GO GO! (I meant I wanted the driver to go faster) and Brooklynn thought I was talking to her and so she scooted down onto the floor so I could spread out and I was trying to tell her she could get back up, but I couldn't really think! She got really mad at me in the car! But i told her what happened a few days later and it was really funny! Hahaha

ashley! said...

you were on the ground and we were both dressed up and you were my dog! :) hahaha but we were like 4 years old then so....

Lauren Michelle said...

Take it way!!!

Christiana_Michelle said...

Twinkle Twinkle Patrick Star
I maded myself a sandwich
My mommy named it Fred
It tastes like beans an bacon
And it smells like it's been dead
Writing songs are hard so I use a pointy pencil
Pointy pointy point
PU what's that horrible smell
This song is over
Except for this part
You win this round Broccoli