Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I am in 8th grade math and the whole year its pretty much been a breeze. I have had all A's and now I am struggling. We are working with geometry and it's not my thing. It is very confusing. we have to find the total surface area, the lateral face area, and volume, just so much it's so confusing! Any Advice?


Allison Barry said...

geometry was my worst thing, too. i even liked triganomatry better. i think i misspelled that. i would get a tutor, because geometry is HARD!!! especially proofs...have you done those yet?

oh yeah...and the teacher makes a big difference. i had the WORST teacher in the history of teachers. one day he told me that if i wanted my desk lowered i should do it myself (I was complainig that the desk didn't fit me or something like that). so i brought a screwdriver to school the next day, and the teacher sent me to the office because i brought a "weapon" to school. HE told me to fix it myself!!!! sorry...i just had that memory and had to share.

john and brenda said...

I think Allison is right. Maybe you could go to the after school help session. I wish I could help you but as you know...

Mindy said...

it's been to long for me but math was my favorite subject. I think I liked geometry...maybe I'd remember it once I saw it again.

Lauren Michelle said...

Yeah, chapter 7 was really confusing to me. I think I failed the test today :/