Sunday, January 18, 2009


I have been having a lot of bugs in my room lately. So far in the past 2 days, i have found one spider and 3 crickets, so i smashed the spider and one cricket. another cricket, i killed with hairspray. the last cricket is still roming around here somewhere. if i find it, i have got my hairspray ready


Mindy said...

sounds like you need our bug man Ryan! but it sounds like you got everything under control. I hate bugs! I had to kill an ear wig today. Gross.

Ande, Bastian, and Dad said...

How many bugs does it take to equal one human life? Murderer. So hey, B, you're not supposed to know about my other blog....that is rated PG-13. But I'm glad to have at least one person following my ridiculous comments.