Saturday, January 24, 2009

Funny Lines from Nacho Libre

I was talking to Adam, Anya, Devin, Allison, and my mom last night and we were joking around and laughing because we were quoting Nacho Libre. Here are the funny lines we said.....

(Nacho is giving everyone food) 
Guy with weird mustache(i don't know his name)"What is this?"
Nacho: "Leftovers, enjoy."
Guy: "There is no flavor, there is no spices where are the chips? Do you not realize I've had diarrhea since Easters?" haha Oh that is funny! here's another one.....

(Nacho is talking to his partner, Steven)
Nacho: "I need some help"
Steven: "I know someone who can help you."
Nacho: "The lord?"
Steven: "No! He is a water Jipsey"
Nacho: " I'm not listening to you, you crazy!"
Steven: "I'm telling you Nacho, this is for reals." Another one.......

(Nacho is walking with this girl he likes, Enconocio)
Girl: "Those clothes look expensive, where is your robe?"
Nacho: "My robe was a....stinky these are just my recreation clothes." 

There are more but I forgot just watch the movie it is hilarious!