Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Funny Joke(to me)

Okay, so I went to their house on Saturday and Devin kept singing that song from Kung Fu Panda the one that goes,"Cuz everyone was kung fu fighting!" and he would always say that even if it doesn't make sense in the conversation. So eventually it got funny and we were singing it after every sentence. Devin and Allsion didn't get this joke I said and I wan to see if you get it.
Okay, so here's the story...
(Devin grabs a box that holds coke cans that was decorated a Christmas theme)
Allison- Wow why are these boxes already decorated Christmas theme?
Devin- Want to know why?
Allison- Tell me why.
Devin- "Cuz everyone was Kung Fu fighting!"
Me- So because everyone was Kung Fu fighing, the boxes are Christmas theme?
Then I started laughing soooo hard and I couldn't stop, but they didnt get it. Ohhh poor me.


Lauren Michelle said...


john and brenda said...

It is funny because you were laughing so hard!

ashley! said...

hahaha!do you know why he was saying that?..... Cuz everbody was Kung Fu Fighting!

Mindy said...

I guess I don't get it either. sorry.

barryblog said...

Sorry, B, I don't get it!!