Saturday, November 15, 2008

Guess what this is....

If you already know what this is a picture of, don't guess. If you dont know what this is a picture of, guess and then after a lot of people guess, I will tell you.


Lauren Michelle said...

It's really blury, but playdough? Idk

Ande, Bastian, and Dad said...

I think it's a picture of an alien spacecraft flying through the solar system Plenob and you got it from your alien friend that comes and visits you at night while you're sleeping on mom and dads floor.

Adam and Anya said...

Gross, is that something that camme of ChiChi? Like a toenail or a tooth?
Tell us!!

john and brenda said...

I thought it was your shark tooth!

Mindy said...

i forgot to guess! pretty gross though the fact that you took a picture of it too.